About WILDE School in blue mountains

A snow covered field with a building in the background.
what we do

We develop strong, self-aware, confident & compassionate leaders.

The current antiquated education system, designed for the control of large groups, is failing our youth.

This has become painfully evident to many of us in these recent times. The world is changing rapidly and yet the education model has altered little since the onset of the industrial revolution. Our youth are over programmed, over stimulated and yet underwhelmed in the boxes that they are tethered to for most of their developmental years.

We’re developing self-aware, confident and compassionate leaders who will affect great change in their life times.

our structure & model

We are a Not-for-Profit, Registered Private School

Wilde School Blue Mountains is a not-for-profit organization and a registered Private School near the Blue Mountains and Collingwood areas of the Georgian Triangle in Bruce Simcoe Grey.

We operate with a simple mandate to reconnect our future leaders with the natural world and with themselves.

WILDE School Blue Mountains stands as a proud extension of Canadian WILDE Schools, a nationally registered not-for-profit organization. Our overarching mission is to seamlessly reconnect students with the beauty of the natural world and, in turn, with their true selves.

Why an Outdoor Classroom?

Our philosophy draws heavily on the Norwegian concept of Friluftsliv – which literally means free air life. The essence of Friluftsliv is hard to define. It is an approach to life that can be found among outdoor people all over the world and promotes living free in the wild with a deep connection to the landscape and oneself. 

This ability to be truly connected is a state of mind that needs training, and we work hard to guide our students towards this state of connection.

The Outdoor Classroom at Wild School

Every class has an indoor classroom, an outdoor classroom and their own backcountry classroom that they often hike or ski to.

Research strongly shows that nature is a powerful tool in adolescent brain development. We took the research quite literally and developed a unique infrastructure that truly immerses students in their natural habitat.

This philosophy lends itself well to team building and skills development, which allows youth to become more comfortable in the natural world. 

This gives them confidence and a deeper connection to themselves and their surroundings. This freedom of thinking, of self-awareness and passion for learning is a powerful recipe that will allow our leaders to live intentional and meaningful lives.