Curtis Shepard Educator & Summer Adventurer

Curtis Shepard

Educator & Summer Adventurer

Curtis’s own lifelong learning goals and experiences thus far have embedded in him a sense of wonder that he seeks to share with his students.

background & bio

Curtis's Experience

Curtis holds a BEd from Nipissing University Schulich School of Education and during his time there toured much of Northern Ontario by paddle, foot, and bus. Curtis’ most recent teaching pursuits took place in Seoul, South Korea where he taught kindergarten and grade one for several years.

Through teaching kindergarten in an ESL program, Curtis developed his skills in teaching and managing younger groups of students through a wide array of experiential trips and lesson planning. Curtis took full advantage of being on the far side of the globe and spent a lot of his free time exploring all that Asia had to offer.

personal philosophy

Curtis's Passions and Goals

With an undying curiosity, Curtis wishes to support young learners so that they may best discover more about the world and themselves. He brings a passion for finding wonder in the natural world, a calm approach to finding solutions, and a high level of enthusiasm every day at WILDE.

Curtis believes deeply in establishing and maintaining a connection to the land. His experience working a season on a regenerative perma-culture farm impressed upon him the value of caring for nature and entirely altered his viewpoint of interacting with the environment around us.

fun facts!

About Curtis

Born and raised in Brampton, Ontario, Curtis explored the small residential creeks and forests in the suburban sprawl, playing organized hockey and soccer. He always did well in motion, discovering early on that he was a kinesthetic learner, and in his teenage years was introduced to spelunking and hiking in the Niagara Escarpment.

When he was not in school or working, Curtis was planning trips to the corners of Ontario he had on his lists of places to hike, climb, and swim: Killarney, Tobermory, Metcalfe Rock, Mt Nemo, and Sault Ste Marie. When not out hiking, Curtis often expresses his creativity through skateboarding and believes that passion projects are an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle.

the wildE school team

Meet Our Team & Faculty

Blue Mountains Wilde School's exceptional and diverse team is committed to transforming education through a mix of traditional and innovative strategies. We believe in every child's potential and guide them to become lifelong learners and future leaders.

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